Tuesday, March 06, 2007 |
Justin and Carrie dropped by for a few days, and they agreed to let me practice my photography on them. They were very good sports, and they even pretended to have a little bit of fun. I'm pretty happy with the way the photos turned out. The full set is on Flickr. Please let me know what you think!
Labels: picture pages posted by Nichole @ 11:13 PM
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says, "You are a great photographer. Love the black & white pics. Glad you got to visit with Justin and Carrie. It did look like they were having fun." (6:32 PM, March 07, 2007)
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Friday, March 02, 2007 |
Flickr favorites, Vol. II
Apparently I was feeling sparse and minimal this week. Is that redundant?
1. march madness, 2. Day One Hundred Thirty-Nine: (Miss)Attunement, 3. princess aurora leaves these everywhere, 4. J, 5. Superb fudge., 6. Day 84: Wednesday Night Fever, 7. Fly Away, 8. momandpop1, 9. mom and pop, 10. TweedySoloSmall, 11. The Northern Minnesota Economy, 12. |, 13. 365--8 Weeks to be Precise, 14. Day 54/365: C'est Moi, 15. Schoolhouse, 16. Don onstage at the Ryman
Created with fd's Flickr Toys. Originally uploaded by nichole_e.
Labels: picture pages posted by Nichole @ 7:53 AM
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Friday, February 23, 2007 |
Recent Flickr favorites
 1. Before you ask, yes. This hurt., 2. Vila Flor 244, 3. Day One Hundred Thirty-Two: Humanizing The Radiologist, 4. Peek-a-boo, 5. 53 of 365 - Incognito (Agent Retro on the prowl), 6. Future Racer, 7. Zippity doo dah, 8. Untitled, 9. James and Anna, 10. Day 77: Hola Amigos!!!, 11. twenty nine, 12. Day 74: Didn't know I could hope for, 13. Twenty six, 14. 365:39, 15. Day One Hundred Ten: Setting The Example, 16. IMG_3228 made with the Mosaic Maker.
Please click here to join Nichole's Oscar pool. If that doesn't work, go to http://defectiveyeti.com/oscars/ and enter poll ID 24724. You could win an as-yet-to-be-determined something!
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: picture pages posted by Nichole @ 12:07 PM
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Wednesday, February 07, 2007 |
So nice
I got a Big Box of Awesomeness in the mail today from my brother. He sent a beautiful pair of earrings for me, and pink, talking hippo for Piper and a ton of candy for Alex.
It made my day. Thanks, Justin and Carrie! (I'm guessing Carrie had alot to do with it ...)
Labels: flotsam/jetsam, picture pages, the fam posted by Nichole @ 4:46 PM
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007 |
A wonderful weekend
When we lived in Columbia, I always said that we wanted to move closer to our families. We were there for five years, and then Alex finished his program and (after a bit of chaos) we did move closer to our families. What I didn't realize was how difficult it would be to leave our new family behind.
Alex sent me to Columbia for the weekend, and it really felt like I'd never left. I stayed with Amy, and we just slipped into our comfy old friendship without a hitch.
It was so wonderful to see everyone and to get so many good and much-needed hugs. I can't thank Alex or my friends enough. I love you guys!
Labels: on the road again, picture pages posted by Nichole @ 10:40 AM
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Amy says, "(sniff sniff) I love you, too!" (10:55 AM, January 30, 2007)
Crutcher Fam says, "we miss you already nichole! come back SOON!!!!" (1:05 PM, January 31, 2007)
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Monday, January 22, 2007 |
Stink. Stank. Stunk.
I should never have changed the sheets.
When Piper woke up this morning, there was a little stain on her sheet. She has another molar coming in, so I'm pretty sure it was a bit of bloody drool.
(I know that's gross. But trust me, this gets grosser.)
So I changed the sheet, and we went downstairs and did our thing.* While Piper napped with The Buddies (Elmo, Ernie, Grover and Big Bird), I played Zelda** and washed the dishes and Flickred a bit. I heard Piper wake up and gave her a few minutes of solo playtime before I went upstairs to fetch her.
That was my second mistake.
She was holding Grover triumphantly over her head, as she normally does after her nap. But instead of her usual greeting -- "Halooooo! Grogo! -- she said a single word that made my blood run cold: "Poop!"
She was so cheerful. And so stinky.
There was pooh everywhere. On the formerly fresh sheet. On Grover's furry blue backside. All over poor Elmo. On Ernie's fashionably stripey shirt. On Piper's big toe. E v e r y w h e r e.
I whisked Piper up (at arm's length) and into the bathroom. After gingerly removing her soiled duds and setting to work on the woefully inadequate diaper, I discovered an additional horror. An even more horrible horror.
Her feet.
She must have done the jig in the pooh. The soles of her dainty feet were coated in it.
So I scrubbed her feet with baby wipes*** and put her in the bath to scrub her some more and washed the buddies and dried her off and put on a new diaper and took off the nasty sheet and put Elmo (the only machine-washable Buddy) in a pillowcase and threw the whole shebang (minus Piper, of course) into the washing machine and dressed Piper, and then we went to the post office.
And then we came home. And I gave Piper a snack. And I sat down to write this.
And then I found pooh on my sleeve.
. . . . .
*Our thing: having a little breakfast playing watching "Sesame Street" reading a couple dozen books three or four times over playing some more having lunch more playing and reading naptime
**A little freakier than normal this time. I turned into a wolf? Dude.
***and clogged the toilet with said wipes, which was a whole 'nother adventure.
. . . . . the end . . . . .
Labels: Pi, picture pages posted by Nichole @ 5:22 PM
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Amy says, "Oh. My." (5:42 PM, January 22, 2007)
says, "This "pooh" experience brings back memories of when my kids were young. One peticular time too was when your brother decided to make art work with "pooh" all over the hallway wall at your dad's apartment. We should have know something was happening when he was too quiet. LOL" (6:28 PM, January 22, 2007)
Nichole says, "Ha! I'm sure Justin's going to be very happy to have that story out in the open :)" (8:54 PM, January 22, 2007)
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Monday, January 15, 2007 |
Zoo pictures
We went to the zoo today. Here are some pictures.
Labels: picture pages posted by Nichole @ 7:20 PM
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Amy says, "I love going to the zoo!" (10:07 PM, January 15, 2007)
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Monday, January 01, 2007 |
Good mornings
Weekend mornings might be my favorite time of the week. Today being a bonus weekend today makes it that much sweeter. Here's our routine:
- Piper wakes up. Some mornings she gives an all-out cry. Sometimes she just stands up and says "Daddy-Daddy-Daddy" or "Mama-Daddy-Mama-Daddy-Mama-Daddy."
- Alex wakes up to the sound of his little girl calling for him. (Or crying.)
- Alex goes to fetch Piper.
- Marsha takes advantage of the open bedroom door. She leaps onto the bed. If the ting-a-ling of her bell doesn't wake me up, her whiskers tickling my face certainly will.
- Alex and Piper come back to the bedroom. Piper says, "Mama!" and dives for me.
- Alex turns on PBS.
- We cuddle and watch a little "Clifford" or "Bearnstain Bears," depending on how late we slept.
- After the show, or whenever Piper is done with the show, we head downstairs for breakfast.
It's the perfect way to start the day.
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: Alex, Pi, picture pages, the fam posted by Nichole @ 9:35 AM
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Thursday, December 21, 2006 |
Kittens and scary, scary toys
I was looking at these sweet little dumplings this morning, and it reminded me that last night I dreamed about tiny baby kittens. Oodles and oodles of squirmy little kittens wandering around, so small their itty bitty eyes weren't even open yet. I don't remember anything else about the dream.
Speaking of dreams ...
Piper has a little singing Elmo-Ernie-Cookie toy that might just give me nightmares. It has three buttons, one in front of each character. Pushing the button makes the top of the character's head lift off, and then the little fella sings a note. And when you hold the button down, the character repeats the note in short, bleating bursts. And Piper is watching "Sesame Street" with her foot firmly planted on the Elmo button. And he's saying, "RiRiRiRiRiRiRi."
And I'm frightened.
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: flotsam/jetsam, listening, Pi, picture pages posted by Nichole @ 10:40 AM
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006 |
Chaos comes in threes
Piper sometimes feels like a little whirlwind. She's so active and interested in everything, and it seems like we just go-go-go all day long.
A visit from Sam, Sophie and Wilson helps to put that into perspective.
Where Piper is go-go-go, my nephews and niece are Go!Go!Go! They're an enthusiastic, energetic little group, and Everything! They! Do! They! Do! With! Feeling! (and Exclamation Points! Naturally!). And when they're around, Piper rachets up her act to GoGoGo. She can't quite match them yet -- it's her short legs, mostly -- but she tries.
They wear me out. They drive me a little nuts sometimes. But they give wonderful hugs, and they say the funniest, weirdest things, and the house is always a little less bright when they leave.
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: picture pages, the fam posted by Nichole @ 7:59 PM
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Sunday, November 12, 2006 |
"Golden Moment" on flickr
Here's one of my favorite pictures from flickr. Flickr is fabulous. You should sign up, or at least browse through the gajillions of photos there. Anyway, this is a photo by Jeff Clow. The colors make me think of "The Wizard of Oz."
Labels: picture pages posted by Nichole @ 5:29 PM
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